History of Hog Hunting in Texas

The wild hogs that exist in Texas today have ancestors who date back centuries and maybe millions of years. It is well-known that early American explorers and settlers brought the first wild boars into the United States in the 1500s, but the populations of wild pigs that exist today remain alive because of animal husbandry techniques during colonization and wild boars mating and populating on their own.

At present, these wild ancestors of domesticated pigs can be found in 75% of the US states. Wild boar populations continue to rise in many states besides Texas, and they are becoming increasingly aggressive. The Associated Press has reported that wild boars in the United States cause upwards of $1.5 billion in damage to US agriculture every year. This damage is one of many reasons why more hunters should take up hog hunting in Texas.

Wild boars living in Texas are quite intelligent and have, unfortunately, become quite aggressive toward humans and, in many cases, domesticated pets. They have picked up some bad habits, which has naturally made them unpopular with many Americans. They like eating some of our threatened species, and they have been known to spread invasive weeds and transmit 30 different diseases to humans and our livestock.

At present, Texas ranks the highest when it comes to wild boar population. Predictions show that this population is only going to increase, in spite of Texans spending up to $7 million a year to reduce the number of wild boars in our state. In fact, reports show that if something effective is not done soon, the number of wild hogs in Texas may triple in the next five years.

One reason for this rapidly growing population is that feral hogs can begin having babies at the young age of six months. Each full-grown sow is estimated to have about 1 ½ liters every year. Each litter is said to have between 6 and 12 piglets, which is rapidly adding to the wild boar population.

As these animals can grow to upwards of 300 pounds, and as they are noted to have become more aggressive towards humans in recent years, they are now frequently terrorizing tourists and killing off wildlife in national parks across the United States. They often also erode soil due to their incessant digging and have been shown to kill many species of fish and endangered sea turtle eggs.

Eurasian Wild Hogs in Texas

The wild pigs (also referred to as wild boar and wild hogs) living in North America today are not indigenous to the continent. They were historically known as the Eurasian wild pig and were only found in Eurasia, North Africa, and the Greater Sunda Islands. European explorers and settlers in the sixteenth century first brought wild pigs to the southeastern part of the United States. In fact, one particular explorer, Hernando DeSoto, is often credited with introducing wild boars into the U.S.

The Eurasian wild pig species has become known as extremely adaptable to a wide variety of living environments as they have been spread around the world by human hands. Physically, the wild boar is a massive creature with a short and bulky trunk and a comparatively smaller set of hindquarters. Its neck is so thick and short as to render it nearly immobile. With a head that makes up at least a third of its entire length, the neck must be extremely strong and supportive. Acting as a plow, the wild boar’s head is very effective at digging for food and fighting off its predators.

From its earliest existence, wild pigs have been hunted by humans. Ancient Greeks saw the wild pig as a wonderful food source, as did the Romans. In the third century B.C., wild boar hunting was extremely popular as a test of manhood and in preparation for battle. They were often captured using large nets. Once the wild pig was entangled in the net, it would be speared with a venabulum spear. Medieval hunters were known to aggressively hunt wild boar during their mating season because the animals would be more aggressive and more challenging to capture.

In captivity, wild boars can live and thrive, but not as well as in the wild. Wild piglets need their mothers to grow to their full potential, and if they are removed from their mothers too early, they have been proven to grow slowly. Wild boar meat has been found to be healthier and leaner than pork that has been derived from domestic pigs; however, a wild boar reaches maturity much slower than the breed of domestic pig seen in the U.S. today.

Wild hogs in Texas have been known to cause quite significant damage to agriculture – digging up potatoes, melons, and corn. However, this behavior is usually only seen when their natural food sources are low. In Japanese culture, the wild boar is seen as a vermin and a pest. In fact, in 1714, 3,000 people died of what was called the ‘wild boar famine.’ The wild boar population living near Hachinohe, Japan, was said to have ruined so many crops that thousands of people starved to death. That account has been challenged as an exaggeration, but the story still stands. Tales of wild boars attacking humans are quite rare, but such attacks have occurred, typically between November – January, which is the wild boar’s rutting season.

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